Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Self Analysis and Personality Diagnostic Tests - 2481 Words

Self Analysis and Personality Diagnostic Tests People are created uniquely and different one to another, which results in character and personality differences. The needs of socialising and workplace purposes, such as career development and organisation effectiveness have ‘forced’ people to be more aware and understand their potentials through self-analysis. It requires people to assess themselves as an object in particular event or experience, which enables people to gain self-awareness (De Janasz, Wood, Gottschalk, Dowd, and Schneider, 2007, p.8). Self-awareness is the ability of an individual in assessing others’ evaluations of self and incorporate those evaluations in one self-evaluation, which then would help determine his†¦show more content†¦People who score high in agreeableness means that people is trusting, humble, and more to a team player (De Janasz, Wood, Gottschalk, Dowd, and Schneider, 2007, p.23). Conscientiousness is the drive to accompli sh something, therefore people who have high score in conscientiousness are usually more organised and dependable (De Raad, Perugini (2002, p.8). Meanwhile, a person who scores high in emotional stability can be described as reactive while also worrying. Lastly, an individual who has high score in openness usually are curious, liberal, and has broad interests. In the Big Five Model, I had high score at Emotional Stability, which means that I have a weak emotional stability, whose characteristics such as excitable, reactive but also worrying and easily stressed (De Janasz, Wood, Gottschalk, Dowd, and Schneider, 2007, p.23). Meanwhile in Agreeableness, I had low score, which means I am a challenger, who tend to be questioning, cautious and inflexible. This result actually challenges my Personal Style Inventory (MBTI) result which show I am a perceiver who tend to be more flexible. In the reality, according to my observation, as well as close friends’ I tend to be perceiver as I am relatively flexible to changes, for example is during organising an event, rather than easily get stressed when there is sudden changes at the last minute, I still managed to thinkShow MoreRelatedThe Millon Clinical Multiaxial IIi875 Words   |  4 PagesThe Millon Clinical Multiaxial III (MCMI-III) is a frequently used self-report personality inventory (Magalhaes, Magalhaes, Noblitt, and Lewis, 2012). Millon theorized that certain personality prototypes are directly related to certain disorders. This test takes approximately 25 minutes to complete (Choca, Widiger, 2001). This version does include an optional Correctional Report to be used with the inmate population. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Business Environment Hnd Free Essays

Marketing is a process used to satisfy and consider what products or services are needed by the consumers. There are many alternative definitions of marketing such as the charted institution of marketing â€Å"Marketing is the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably†. The American Marketing Association believe that â€Å"Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organization goals†. We will write a custom essay sample on Business Environment Hnd or any similar topic only for you Order Now Philip Kotlerinterprets that marketing is ‘satisfying needs and wants through an exchange process the common interest in all three definitions is fulfilling customer needs and providing benefits The small business enterprise that I have chosen to discuss is called ‘Hair Today ‘this is a professional hair salon that is situated in the heart of Kentish town for over 30 years. Hair today has a total of 20 employees, including hairstylists, hair washers and administration staff, including a cashier. The salon offers many services such as styling hair, men haircuts, colouring, perming. The marketing process consists of four elements Situation Analysis, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Mix Decisions and Implementation ; Control. Situation analysis is when through an analysis the company finds the customer needs but in order to do this the company must recognise its own potential and the environment in which it is managing. Situation analysis should look at all the factors of the company such as the past where the company is now and where it should be in future. This analysis provides problems there are frameworks which help the situation analysis such as SWOT and PEST analysis. SWOT analysis refers to the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing a business The marketing strategy is to ensure the target market is being pursued. The strategy consists of segmentation, targeting and positioning the product within the target market. Marketing Mix Decisions at this stage detailed decisions are being made such as the development of the specific product, designing and producing the first pieces of the product and also pricing decisions Implementation and Control is the final stage of the marketing process the results of the marketing progress should be monitored when the market changes the market mix can also change to adapt to the consumer needs as time goes on a new product can even be produced although this is the last tage of the marketing process changes will always occur to satisfy different consumer needs Companies continue to exist by achieving their long-term goals. Market orientation helps to achieve the business goals and objectives a business which adopts market orientation thinks that it’s most important resource are its customers. The benefits of adopting market orientation for ‘Hair Today’ is that through market research the hair salon will have a strong understanding of the needs of the customer. Customer feedback is vital to the company companies tend to be too involved with the product that they forget about the general customer satisfaction for example hair salons have a wide variety of market reach and also a great deal of competition. The costs of adopting marketing orientation for ‘Hair Today’ would be the high costs for the market research this the constant internal change as needs of the customers are met. Macro environment are the outside uncontrollable factors that may affect a managers decisions this can have an effect on the company the PESTEL model framework is used. Political factors such as government policies and the economy also new laws on small businesses Political factors can have a huge effect on many areas for business like education and the quality of health care. The hairdressing industry is having difficulties recruiting although some government funding policy has helped it has a vacancy rate of 20% also the government increased the taxes for businesses this has had a huge effect. Economic factors influences marketing research such as interest rates also the changes in the economic growth and exchange rates. All businesses go through an economical ups and downs in an economic boom all businesses will benefit although if can go down and businesses can lose out. Currently hair treatment products are not considered a necessity more of a luxury so this market is dependent on how strong the economy is. Cheap credit and interest rates benefited the hair industry in the past. Social factor refers to behaviour patterns and lifestyles. Changes in consumer behaviour can also have an effect on changes in fashion . Currently we have an ageing population. Social change gives companies a understanding for the future market situation. Hair Today’ will have to keep up with the latest fashion and styles which may vary between ages. . Technological changes are the amount of new technology that is increasing electronic communications has made it easier to distribute information. Hair salons must keep up with the new trends and technology as this helps develop the company and make them more successfu l Employees will research the newest technologies in the market do some experiments use models try new haircuts if the experiments turn out to be a success it will apply to salon. Micro environment are factors which are internal this affects the business performance such as customers, competition, suppliers, public, employees and stakeholders. If a company decided to move to a public ownership they list their business in the stock market so the public can invest in the company although share holder relationships must be professionally managed to succeed long term goals. Identifying the stake holders Potential stakeholders at ‘Hair Today’ Your boss | Shareholders | Government | Senior executives | Alliance partners | Trades associations | Your co-workers | Suppliers | The press | Your team | Lenders | Interest groups | Customers | Analysts | The public | Prospective customers | Future recruits | The community | Your family | | | Some stake holders are more interested and involved than others to narrow down the people a power/interest grid is used. The grid shows that the people that have the high power and are more interested in my company these are the people who I will engage with and make great efforts to satisfy. Corporate culture determines how the employees and higher management interact these transactions occur over time. ‘ Hair Today’ has an employee friendly corporate culture it is shown by the company’s dress code, flexible working shifts , employee benefits such as employee discounts the treatment of the clients and overall client satisfaction. Porters five forces was first introduced by Michael E. Porter of Harvard Business School in 1979 the five forces are a framework to help businesses determine the rivalry intensity and industry profitability of a market. The five forces consists of threat of mew entrants to a market, the power of buyer, the power of the suppliers, the threat of substitute products and the competitive rivalry between already existing companies as shown in the diagram below. Segmentation is the process where larger markets are broken down to smaller segments this will make it easier to understands the wants and needs of the customers the overall outcome would be creating a marketing mix that is suited or the customers in the target segment. The four main factors of segmentation are behavioural, demographic, psychographic and geographical. Geographical segmentation is segmented by country, city or neighbourhood. Age, family size, income, occupation, education, ethnicity and religion can all be segmented demographically. Lifestyle, interests refers psychographic segmentation. Behaviour segmentation refers to customers buying behaviour, product mix also frequency of purchase the best form of segmentation is using all four factors as they all are very helpful. Hair salons have a wide variety of customers to attract therefore segmentation is very vital for this business to succeed in the future. The two products or services that Hair today will provide a bridal service to attract female customers where they will be pampered and receive a makeover the target market for this service is female aged 20-35 with a balanced income also the other product I will be proposing hair is extensions this will attract the teenage customers and women. The marketing strategy I have chosen for Hair Today is concentrated strategy focussing mainly on only one segment this can be positive for the salon because the business will have more knowledge on the particular segment. Females aged 13-19 there are many teenagers in this area which the salon is situated this is due to the schools in the area. Hair Today believe that the target segment will benefit from the service of hair extensions as this is a growing fashion although there can be a lot of competition which leads to Threat of intense segment rivalry. New salons may decide to open up this refers to the threat of new entrance also there are many products already provided in the market that teenagers can use themselves so the salon is not needed this is known as threat of substitute product. The threat of growing bargaining power of buyers is very important because the higher the charges the more likely the customers are to move to a cheaper salon. Buyer behaviour is attitudes of the customers and how often they purchase. Buying behaviour involves the process in which a customer finds a product studies the product and makes an overall decision on whether the product meets the customer’s needs and wants. The main types of buyer behaviour are consumer and industry two types of buying behaviours are   impulses purchases refers to when a purchase is made with no plan this purchase is associated with items of lower prices. Extensive decision making these are products which are higher priced such as TV and cars when customers research as much as they can they may also ask family and friends for advice or read reviews this decision making takes up a lot of time because the customer is purchasing a product that is high priced Buyer behaviour stimulus response model Buyer behaviour is essential because it makes you understand what your customer. Market research and producing surveys will help you find the customers’ needs and requirements. Social media sites are the most popular process in business marketing this allows customers to interact online and new products can get instant feedback. Many businesses introduce discounts to maintain loyal and consistent customers. Companies determine how much customers spend the products which are being sold and judging on how often customers are spending helps introduce a pricing policy for ‘Hair Today’. Hair extensions portray varied opinions some customers keep up with new trends and may want a different look however other members of the  community might find it doesn’t fit their customer needs. Hair today will start this positioning process by advertising on the internet and offering hair treatment for all types of hair also free samples of exclusive hair products. The hair industry are forever striving to keep up their image and keep their product current a change in positioning can attract new target market. References Assael, H. , Reed, P. nd Patton, M. (1995) Marketing: Principles and Strategy Harcourt-Brace, Sydney Business study guide edexcel marketing principles pp. 479-659 Habia (standard information solutions) Skills Foresight for the Hair and Beauty Sector 2007 http://www. habia. org/uploads/Skills_Foresight_2007_v. 4_-_2. 07. 07_Final. pd Lamb, W. , Hair, J. , McDaniel, C. (1998), Marketing, (4th), South-Western College Publishing, Cincinatti. Kotler, P. , Arms trong, G. , Brown, L. , Chandler, S. A. (1998), Marketing, (4th), Prentice Hall, Sydney www. businessdictionary. com How to cite Business Environment Hnd, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Principal Leadership free essay sample

A look at the efforts of the American educational system to address the needs of students with handicaps. This paper addresses the issues found in conforming to government standards concerning the involvement of disabled or mentally or emotionally challenged students in public education. Researchers suggest that the principal of a school has the ability to set standards and to maintain them in the face of challenges, including those relating to disabled and disadvantaged students. This paper examines the potential benefits of including principal leadership in the educational environment as a means of ensuring that the standards set forth by IDEA and similar legislation are upheld. The United States has made great progress in the public and the social forum in accepting and providing for individuals suffering from physical and mental handicaps. Americans with disabilities are now not as greatly challenged in finding a handicapped- accessible workplace or in attending socials services such as entertainment or shopping complexes as in the recent past. We will write a custom essay sample on Principal Leadership or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Yet despite the significant advances made in these areas, the educational system has consistently fallen short of the needs of those students suffering from either physical handicaps or other forms of special educational needs. (Lipsky Gartner: 1996)

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Oedipus complex Essay Example

The Oedipus complex Paper Psychoanalytical criticism, developed by Freud, is a way to interpret authors, and other artists work, making connections between the authors themselves and what they actually create. The Oedipus complex is a psychoanalytical theory where a child has the unconscious desire for the exclusive love of the parent of the opposite sex. The desire includes jealousy towards the parent of the same sex and the unconscious wish for that parents death. It usually occurs between the ages of three to five and is a normal developmental process of human psychological growth. The stage is usually ended when the child identifies with the parent of the same sex and represses its sexual instincts. Freud believed that all people experienced the Oedipus complex but many researchers in psychoanalysis believe it develops as a result of a persons environment and does not occur in everyone. Freud believed the complex could stay in the unconscious mind and affect the person in adult life.? Within Hamlet the Oedipus complex can be applied to Hamlets character. Hamlet still isnt over his fathers death, and the appearance of the ghost of his father at the start of the play fuels his anger to take revenge, but he delays killing Claudius throughout the play. This is because unconsciously he admires Claudius, because he has fulfilled Hamlets own unconscious wishes of killing his father and marrying his mother, a father killd, a mother staind, which is exactly the position Hamlet would like to be in. The Oedipus complex can appear to be reflected in Hamlets behaviour in Act III Scene IV. We will write a custom essay sample on The Oedipus complex specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Oedipus complex specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Oedipus complex specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer From the start of the scene Hamlet is talking to his mother with anger and resentment. He is disgusted with her for marrying her dead brothers wife; You are the Queen, your husbands brothers wife (III, IV, 14). This is because unconsciously he feels he should be in Claudius position, of being King of Denmark, and being married to Gertrude. Things start getting very heated between Hamlet and Gertrude and he shows his disapproval of their relationship; In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed, Stewd in corruption, honeying and making love Over the nasty sty! (III, IV, 92-94). At this point Hamlet sees the ghost of his dead father appear before him to remind him of what his purpose is, which distracts him and interrupts their heated conversation. The ghost appearing at this particular moment could be seen as Hamlets unconscious creating the image of his father to stop something happening with his mother. Hamlet then warns his mother But go not to mine Uncles bed (III, IV, 161) because he doesnt want her sleeping with Claudius, or being close to him because he wants her for himself. Act III Scene iv is a crucial part of the play for a director when deciding whether to interpret the play with the Oedipus complex in mind or not, because there is so much dialogue interaction between Hamlet and his mother, more so than other scenes in the play and because it is easy to identify the Oedipus complex in this scene. Looking at this scene especially, in different film versions different directors have interpreted it in different ways. In Zefirellis 1990 film version, Act III Scene IV has been performed with strong reference to the Oedipus complex in mind.? Oliviers 1948 production is performed with only a slight reference to the Oedipus complex in the way the characters interact with each other.? In Brannaghs 1996 film version, there is no direct reference to the Oedipus complex in Act III Scene IV at all.? Freuds theory can be applied to the text as a whole as well as just Act III Scene IV. In Act I Scene ii this is the closest Hamlet gets to confronting Claudius about the marriage to his mother. He talks to himself about it straight after Claudius and the rest of the court have left She married -O most wicked speed! (I, II, 156) but it is still directed at Gertrude not Claudius because unconsciously he cant blame him. And throughout the whole play he never says anything about, or to Claudius, being incestuous for marrying his brothers wife. After Hamlet sees the ghost of his father and is told by it to take revenge for his murder, Hamlet pretends to be mad, unconsciously, to delay killing Claudius. The Oedipal complex explains why Ha mlet delays killing him and is unable to take direct action, through out the whole play. Claudius has coincidentally fulfilled Hamlets unconscious fantasies. After the Mousetrap play is performed and Hamlet knows for sure that Claudius is guilty of his fathers murder, he still doesnt take action, but chats with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, O, the recorders. Let me see one. (III, II, 36). He doesnt realise he is doing this, and so wont think that Claudius will stop him from telling people and he does. He sends Hamlet to England. Before Hamlet pretends to be mad, he is deeply in love with Ophelia, I did love you once (III, I, 115). But when he is pretending to be mad he tells her bluntly that he no longer does, which hurts her so much that she kills herself! The desire for his mother is so much that he no longer cares about Ophelia. Surely if he realised what he was doing, he wouldnt have done it because he cares for her. But he doesnt realise and unknowingly plays a part in her death. When Hamlet finally does take action against Claudius in Act V Scene II (the final scene), it is only after Gertrude is dead that he is able to kill Claudius. This is because Claudius is no longer a projection of Hamlets unconscious mind so he now takes revenge for the murder of his father and his mother. When applying the Oedipus complex to Hamlets character, it can be a valid interpretation. The behaviour of Hamlet, and his actions through out the play, shows how the theory can be applied, as it is in film versions by Zeffirelli and Olivier. But there is actually little textual evidence to support the idea. The only way it can be applied is by looking at it as a deep Freudian interpretation. If taken at face value with out reading into it as much, it is difficult to see the theory applied in the text, although it can be seen if a director has chosen to interpret it this way. As Shakespeare wrote Hamlet, and it was being performed, in the seventeenth century, the Oedipus complex and Psychoanalysis would not have been applied, as it was only developed in the twentieth century by Freud. This means that at the time, it would not have been performed with the Oedipus complex in mind. In Elizabethan England It most likely would have been performed simply as a play to entertain the audience and would have been understood by them to be a revenge tragedy which were popular types of play at the time. Act III Scene IV is a major part of the play for a director when deciding whether to interpret the play with the Oedipus complex in mind or not. In Brannaghs film version, there is no evidence of the Oedipus complex being applied to the scene, or the play as a whole. With out applying the Oedipus complex, Act III Scene IV can be presented in different ways. From the start we know Hamlet is still not over his fathers death; Do not for ever with thy vailed lids Seek thy noble father in the dust. (I, II, 70-71). He has so much pent up anger and emotion from the death of his father and the hasty marriage between Gertrude and Claudius, he doesnt know what to do. Act III Scene IV can be presented as a point where Hamlet finally releases all his anger because Claudius has just shown his guilt from his reaction to the Mousetrap play. This leads to the confrontation with his mother, where he shows his dislike for their marriage, Mother, you have my father much offended (III, IV, 9), and where he warns her to stay away from Claudius But go not to my uncles bed (III, IV, 161). He is so angry he has no hesitation in killing the person behind the arras, especially as he thinks its the king. The play can be presented at face value, simply as a story of revenge as it would have done at the time it was written. I think the Oedipus complex is a valid interpretation of the text when psychoanalysed and can be performed well with the theory in mind, but it is a twentieth century interpretation. In the seventeenth century when it was performed, it would have been written to be performed as entertainment. The performers would of performed it to entertain the audience and the audience would of understood it as it was performed, not my looking into the text and looking for deeper meanings.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Using Probability Distribution in Research Simulation

Using Probability Distribution in Research Simulation SimulaciÂÆ' ³n PAGE 2SimulaciÂÆ' ³nRosa I. Vega SingUniversity of PhoenixResearch and Evaluation - RES/341Prof. Evaristo Medina19 de Febrero de 2009SimulaciÂÆ' ³nEn este ensayo se hablara de la Industria de los relojes de cuarzo, de la compaÂÆ' ±Ã‚Æ' ­a Aquines; la cual se explicara y se analizara como su mercado se ha afectado. La industria de los relojes de cuarzo se ha experimentado una baja sustancial en las ventas, por lo que tiene un 25% del mercado en los Estados Unidos. Al Sr. Jean Dubois tomo la decisiÂÆ' ³n de unirse a la compaÂÆ' ±Ã‚Æ' ­a Aquines, se estableciÂÆ' ³ la divisiÂÆ' ³n de su reloj mecÂÆ' ¡nico. Una vez sucediÂÆ' ³ la divisiÂÆ' ³n las ventas de los relojes mecÂÆ' ¡nico no obtuvo los mÂÆ' ¡rgenes esperados, siendo asÂÆ' ­ que tuvieron por obligaciÂÆ' ³n comenzar un anÂÆ' ¡lisis sobre el porque Aquine estaba perdiendo un porciento alto en las ventas del mercado suiza. Mientras que las ventas del reloj de cuarzo en el mercado obtuvo un aumentÂÆ' ³ de un 25%.Howard Gray portraitEl director ejecutivo de la empresa Aquines el Sr. Howard Gray, desea saber cÂÆ' ³mo se puede comparar los relojes que se hacen en su empresa con otros que estÂÆ' ¡n actualmente en la industria. El Sr. Jean Dubois Vicepresidente en la divisiÂÆ' ³n relojes mecÂÆ' ¡nicos, piensa que no hay problema en la calidad trabajada en los relojes, pero desea saber que opina el consumidor de los relojes fabricados por la empresa vs. a las otras compaÂÆ' ±Ã‚Æ' ­a. El Sr. Uma Gardner Vicepresidente de producciÂÆ' ³n, en la divisiÂÆ' ³n de relojes mecÂÆ' ¡nicos, entiende que la SOCC en las pruebas del consumidor sobre los cronometro ha sido uno de los factores que ha influido en la baja de dicha divisiÂÆ' ³n. El Sra. Amanda Hamilton Vicepresidenta del departamento de Mercadeo, piensa que los relojes no se igualan a la calidad de los relojes suizos,

Friday, November 22, 2019

Writing About Dogs

Writing About Dogs Writing About Dogs Writing About Dogs By Maeve Maddox A question that appears frequently on language sites is, â€Å"How do you capitalize the name of a dog breed? For example, German Shepherd or German shepherd?† My answer is, â€Å"It depends on your intended audience.† If you are writing for a general readership, you may as well follow the recommendations of the AP Stylebook and capitalize only those parts of the name that derive from a proper noun, as in these examples: German shepherd Labrador retriever Boston terrier Dandie Dinmont terrier Chihuahua basset hound dachshund schnauzer shih tzu If you choose to follow a style guide based on the MLA (Modern Language Association) Handbook, you might reduce even more of the breed name to lowercase: chihuahua pekingese rottweiler weimeraner german shepherd If, however, you are writing for an audience of readers who know something about dog breeds, you will think twice about using the term â€Å"German shepherd.† As one journalist who writes about dogs points out, The official name of a particular herding dog is German Shepherd Dog. Capitalizing each word helps to make that clear. Saying German shepherd dog could refer to any German-bred herding dog. Or, a reader could wonder why the word dog was even included, as many people just say German Shepherd, leaving off the last word of the breeds official name. Susan Ewing, â€Å"AP Style doesn’t work for dog breeds,† The Post-Journal, Jamestown, NY. A journalist following AP style would not capitalize basenji or every word in â€Å"Australian cattle dog,† but here are two extracts from articles written for publications aimed at dog owners: Take Whisper, a 3-year-old Australian Cattle Dog. Her first owners had no idea she was deaf, so pegged her as a â€Å"stubborn puppy† for not coming when called. First, the Basenji needs companionship and will not be happy left to exist on the fringes of your family’s day-to-day activities. As might be expected, the AKC (American Kennel Club) capitalizes every word in the name of a dog breed. In writing for a general audience, there’s no reason not to put generic words like spaniel, terrier, retriever, setter, and collie in lowercase, but an across-the-board ruling against capitalizing any word that does not derive from a proper noun has its drawbacks. To be in strict compliance with AP style would I have to write, â€Å"black Russian terrier† and â€Å"west highland white terrier† instead of â€Å"Black Russian terrier† and â€Å"West Highland White terrier†? What about â€Å"Cavalier King Charles Spaniel†? Should that be â€Å"cavalier King Charles spaniel†? AP style regarding the capitalization of dog breeds provides a useful baseline, but writers need to be willing to temper the recommendation with judgment. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Using "a" and "an" Before WordsBetween vs. In BetweenThe Two Sounds of G

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Media studies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Media studies - Essay Example It shall aim at the way the newspapers are written edited and made. Research proposal Review of the prior newspapers I endeavored the reviewing of the earlier newspapers so as to have the prior knowledge of the news papers. The review is aimed at establishing the exploration degree in the field of research. It is now vivid that after the analysis of the other newspapers, I realized that this field has been explored thoroughly but I will conduct a research or the other reasons that I will mention later. After conducting the prior review, I realized that the main problems likely to occur during the actual study. The problems that occurred There were power shortcuts There were no cooperative respondents. There was a lot of the work There were several researchers in the site. Schedule 7.00-7.30: The troop left to the media house. 8.00-8.30: The troop arrived in the news room and introduced to the attendants 9.00: The troop started the study and answering the questions. 10.00-10.30: The t roop went for the breakfast in the canteen within the compound. 10.30-1.00: The team proceeded and conducted the actual study. 1.00-4.00: After the lunch hour, the troop proceeded and conducted the study. ... I have an aim to promote the newspaper publishing press by informing the companies the essence of advertising through the newspaper. I will also encourage the upcoming generations people like the students the essence of studying the journalism so as to promote this newspaper sector. Buy establishing the exact figure of the company that advertises its products through the news papers, I will deliver the information to the relevant companies and prospective consumers of the companies. Then the information that is delivered shall be used by the customers to gauge when to find the products, where to find it and who supplies the product. Similarly, the associated companies shall serve to find the potential customers through the newspapers and also know when to meet them. A successful research shall help to establish the major challenges that are usually faced by the editors. This is because, by getting to know what the editors are bored largely with, we shall try to solve the situation. I f it is the idea of the modern printing devises or any thing else, stands a chance to be solved. In this case, solving means that working on it and getting him better ways. This is through writing the report to the willing people who can help donate the cash to bring out the change. The report is also written to the central government to help solve the problem (Greene, 2005). This research shall only help to gauge out net requirements t to meet the position of editing. This is because; I have to stimulate most of the upcoming minds and students to pursue the related courses so as to become the editors of the newspapers. This is because; editing is one of the fields of study that should be thoroughly pursued by most people (Basu, 2010). My research is also aimed at establishing

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Economics suffers from a form of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Essay

Economics suffers from a form of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Explain with reference to modelling , theoretical paradigms and empirical testing - Essay Example 29-30). Normally, the change in momentum of a particle turns out more ill defined as the function of wave is confined to a lesser region. The nature of the wave to particles implies a particle is a wave package, the composite of a number of waves. A number of waves refer to many momentums; only one momentum can be made by observation out of many. The exact facts of complimentary pairs (time, energy, position) are impossible. For instance, it is possible to measure an electron’s position, but not its energy (momentum) simultaneously. Complementarity also implies that dissimilar experiments results into dissimilar outcomes (such as the two slit experiment). Thus, a single reality at the quantum level cannot be applied. Mathematically the uncertainty principle can be described as follows, where p is momentum and x is position: ∆x X ∆p> Ä §/2Ï€ (Romanovsky & Romanovsky, 2007, pp. 114-116). It fundamentally shows that the mixture of the error in momentum times the error in position should usually be bigger than Planck’s constant. Therefore, it is possible to measure an electron’s position to some accuracy; however, its momentum will appear in a bigger range of values. Similarly, it is possible to measure an electron’s momentum accurately; however, its position remains unidentified at that particular time (Romanovsky & Romanovsky, 2007, pp. 113-114). It is evident that there is uncertainty in modeling, foretelling and interpretation of prevailing socio-economic circumstances. This can be visible in the global financial systems’ instability, depending on natural and ordinary disturbances in the contemporary markets and greatly undesirable financial crises (Hilgevoord, 2005, pp. 30-36). This brings the necessity of not only researching on uncertainty in economics, but also establishing the connection to the Heisenberg’s uncertainty

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Planning and threat management Essay Example for Free

Planning and threat management Essay A planned performance which brings better results compared to unplanned one. A Managers job is planning, monitoring and controlling. As a head security official, todays day work, Planning and goal setting are very important traits of a work. The job here of mine is to give full security to the principal from home and back again from the court to house which is located at Laguna Beach. To do this work, proper and perfect planning is required. It is done at all levels of the security organization. The thought plan process should have actions, and implementation. Planning gives more power over the future and is decided in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and who should do it. It bridges the gap between the two. The planning function involves establishing goals and arranging them in logical order. A plan should be a realistic view of the expectations. Depending upon the activities, a plan here is applicable for only two hours because the distance between the court and the home is a very short distance. I have with me the top graded eight security personal and they can able to handle any situation at any point of time as per the security is concerned. I have taken the best eight because the city has been terrorized by a series of related homicides of white supremacist followers and the brutal beating of his chief assistant. The newspapers and media have speculated that several of the victims have been linked to your principal and the police suspect a rival white supremacists group is vying for political power within the movement. Here the plan is the most important and key is to do the successful operation. Preparation of a comprehensive plan will not guarantee success, but lack of a sound plan will, almost certainly, ensures failure. (King, 2006) In this case the threat is possible attack on the professor, both at home and at court. Furthermore there is a chance of threat on the one hour driveway too. Alongside, looking at the physical condition of the subject it is essential to arrange medical assistance during the outdoor operations such as period of the court and in transit. Therefore, the planning would involve four main parameters to secure. Medical assistance It is obvious that there would be logical medical assistance at home but during the course of transit and at the court it is essential to arrange medical facilities as the subject is extremely ill. To worsen matter the attendance at the courthouse will be new organizations, fundamentalist religious groups, white supremacist groups, and civil rights groups, all picketing what promises to be a very emotional trial. This could take a toll on the subject. The checkpoint security screening procedures for persons with disabilities and medical conditions have not changed as a result of the current threat situation. All disability-related equipment, aids, and devices continue to be allowed through security checkpoints once cleared through screening. Thus it is important to arrange liquid medications and other liquids needed by the principal. These include all prescription and over-the-counter medications (liquids, gels, and aerosols) including KY jelly, eye drops, and saline solution for med ical purposes; Liquids including water, juice, or liquid nutrition or gels for passengers with a disability or medical condition along with life-support and life-sustaining liquids such as bone marrow, blood products, and transplant organs would be present. There would also be items used to augment the body for medical or cosmetic reasons such as mastectomy products, prosthetic breasts, bras or shells containing gels, saline solution, or other liquids. It is also important to arrange gels or frozen liquids needed to cool disability or medically related items used by persons with disabilities or medical conditions. However, if the liquid medications are in volumes larger than 3 ozs each, they may not be placed in the quart-size bag and must be declared to the Transportation Security Officer. Declared liquid medications and other liquids for the principal and medical conditions must be kept separate from all other property submitted for x-ray screening. This is an extra step that I have taken because He is confined to a wheelchair and requires attendance by a nurse 24/7 due to respiratory and other medical conditions. He is an extremely high profile white supremacist, and is outspoken thus it is important to control his tension and emotions. (Eldelman, 2005) Transit assistance The one hour distance travel between the court and his home in Los Angles should be well protected as 6 of the 8 personnel deployed for the job would be accompanying him. The other 2 would be staying back at the subject’s home to counter any possible threats on the property during his absence. During transit there would 3 cars altogether with smoked glasses to minimize identification. The subject’s car would be juxtaposed between the other 2 cars with security personnel. All 6 personnel would be divided into 3 groups or 2 personnel for each car. (Kar, 2006) Home security It is already mentioned that there would be 2 persons securing the subject’s estate during his absence however, during his stay all 8 would be available for the subject’s security. There would be CCTV installed at strategic locations all over the estate with extra focus on the physical security of the subject. For this purpose it is essential to have a personnel to assist and secure the subject most of the time he is awake. During his resting period there would be a personnel guarding outside his bedroom. There would be other personnel who would guard the windows during this time. 5 of the security would be located all over the estate and home at strategic locations. The eighth personnel deployed for the subject’s safety would be instrumental in screening each person who ever is willing to meet the subject. (Lamb, 2004) Court Security This is the important aspect of the planning and the personnel should always be on their high alert. For that reason it is important to have complete physical protection all the while. There should be a human cordon of security personnel during the passage from parking space to court room and back as this is the area where the subject would be most vulnerable as the demonstrators would have opportunity to come in close proximity with the subject. At the courtroom too the human cordon would be applied with 4 of the personnel always encircling the subject. The remaining 2 would stand at a distance keeping a keen eye on the proceedings and scanning the crowd at the courtroom and always ready to intervene if needed. (Fletcher, 2005) Conclusion These are the Security arrangements that I will like to have at the principals estate because of threats on his life, but the principal will not face any difficulty while he likes to speak his mind to everyone, including and especially the press. He will have a grand entrance to court and if he wants to speak or meet with the press and others on the courthouse steps. References: Edelman, S; (2005); Evaluation Techniques in Risk Management; Bloemfontein: ABP Ltd Fletcher, R; (2005); Principals: Beliefs and Knowledge; Believing and Knowing; Dunedin: Howard Price Kar, P; (2006); History of Threat Management and Related Applications; Kolkata: Dasgupta Chatterjee King, H; (2006); Management Principals Today; Auckland: HBT Brooks Ltd Lamb, D; (2004); Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata; Wellington: National Book Trust

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Racial Inequality in the United States :: Race Social Justice Essays Blacks

Racial Inequality in the United States The book, Volunteer Slavery, is Jill Nelson’s account of the racial problems she faced as a Black employee in a White company. Working for the Washington Post was a terrible experience for Nelson whose race prevented her from fitting in with co-workers or agreeing with management. Alex Kajtar says, â€Å"...Jill Nelson's account of an authentic African-American experience is a disturbing, disappointing and upsetting image of present-day American society...† (Kajtar). Many people would agree with this statement if they read the book, too. However, the problem is that most Americans will never read her book, and will remain ignorant to the plight of the Black American. Thus, the problem is not that Blacks cannot assimilate into White society â€Å"properly,† it is that Whites prevent Blacks from developing their identity. In America there is a phenomenon where some people benefit from the color of their skin, while others are persecuted for the same reason. The White establishment thrust Blacks and other minorities into an â€Å"other† category, and punishes them for their differences. This system gives White people many advantages over other groups. This racial advantage has been labeled â€Å"White privilege, and allows Whites to be complacent about racial issues because instead of be hurt they actually benefit from their race. Their blindness to the problems of American culture like this, prevent them from seeing the â€Å"disturbing, disappointing and upsetting† aspects of Black life. Whites are highly unaware of the â€Å"authentic African-American experience† because they choose to remain ignorant (Kajtar). In this way the also choose to benefit from their inequalities that they have implemented into the American system. Blacks are prevented from enjoying life in the American work force because of their race. The problem is that Whites cause Black misery, but do nothing to change this. Jill Nelson’s White supervisors could have been more accommodating to Nelson’s needs. They could have taken measures to make her more comfortable in the work place, possible by hiring more Blacks. Their newspaper could have began to portray Blacks in a more positive, truthful light.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Function and Role of Law in Business Essay

Abstract This paper will define the functions and roles of law in both business and society. Giving examples of such relationships from past and future experiences from the author pertaining to current and past job or industry. While it is beyond the scope of this research paper to do a complete analysis of all the laws and functions pertaining to business and society we will cast a broader look at the significant points that can add value to the paper. Functions of Law in Business and Society The Merriam-Webster dictionary gives a definition of law as â€Å"a rule of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforced by a controlling authority† (Mirriam-Webster, 2012), thus we infer that the controlling authority in the context of this paper is either the federal or state government and its lower portions in the legal community. It is important to mention that most of the positions in the federal and state legal division of government are either officials that have been elected by citizens of the United States of America (i.e. District Attorneys, Judges, etc.) or qualified candidates that have the appropriate qualifications to meet the criteria as defined by job descriptions (i.e. board certified lawyers, trained investigators, etc.). Concerning the legal system in the United States of America (US), the main function of law is stated from the textbook, Business Law: The Ethical, Global, and E-commerce Environment, 13th Edition (Mallor, et al, 2007, p. 11), the most important functions of law include the following: 1. Peacekeeping. 2. Checking government power and promoting personal freedom. 3. Facilitating planning and the realization of reasonable expectations. 4. Promoting economic growth through free competition. 5. Promoting social justice. 6. Protecting the environment. While we have put to paper the functions of law, they have different roles for business and society. The needs of business laws are seen differently from the perspective of owners and the process of litigation Functions of law in the context of societies perspective are limited to the outside of business law. While one law can be applied to both business and society how they are interpreted can be different and usually is. Role of Law in Business The current status of business law is a complicated labyrinth of state, federal and municipal statutes that work together to ensure predictability and fairness. The overall purpose of business laws include an assurance of fairness, encourage competition through the protection of property rights and ensures that all parties involved understands their obligations and duties while doing business transactions. While the complexity of business laws in the US are daunting, at best, but the effort to create an equitable business community has established laws that lets a small business or a multi-million dollar corporation do transactions in a common level. As a capitalist society we view the right to private ownership is a corner stone of our communities. From entrepreneurs to generations old businesses we view the laws of business in the US as the assurance a business needs to be able to succeed. Roles of Law in Society There are certain roles that law imposes within our society to be able to function in an equitable manner. Maintaining social control is an important part of the laws, making sure that we can maintain a regulated community that does not recognize anarchy. Through this social control we also maintain and protect public order. Without out we can’t maintain a civilized society. An equitable law helps us to resolve disputes in an orderly manner while also facilitating changes that are inevitable as society changes. Within these changes one of the roles of law in society is bringing justice to our  communities. Through an established system, laws can dispassionately produce justice in fair and predictable manners. Author Experience of Business Law As a freelance website designer and developer, including Internet marketing, laws pertaining to the world wide web have been fought about and are still in the infant stages. The Internet is a multi-national entity, transcending boundary lines that are not clearly mark as it is. There is no physicality to where the Internet can be maintained and the creators made it that way on purpose. An example of new laws fought over and established in the US is state taxes. States in the US were losing tax revenue as customers where not buying products locally and using sites like Ebay and Amazon to procure products in-state, but not paying taxes. Eventually state laws established who should pay state taxes on purchases, developers had to start developing new systems within the electronic commerce (ecommerce) systems to be able to accept state specific tax withholdings within their payment system. The law had to be revised to make it equitable within businesses that sold products in a brick and mortar environment and businesses that sold their products in the world wide web. References Mallor, J., Barnes, A., Bowers, L., & Langvardt, A. (2004). Business Law: The Ethical, Global, and E-commerce Environment, 13th Edition. Retrieved on October 8, 2012, from University of Phoenix Resource. Law – Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Retrieved Oct 08, 2012, from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/law Sean, M. (2011). The Legal Environment of Business: A Managerial Approach. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Interest in Rainwater Essay

The article entitled â€Å"Interest in Rainwater Harvesting Grows in Colorado† written by Paul Day was about a proposal of Brad Lancaster, a rainwater virtuoso and initiator. His entire idea according to the news was that he wanted to use the rainwater for needs of the people and environment just like in Arizona and New Mexico. But the Executive Director of Colorado Waterwise, Paul Lander, prohibited his willingness to pursue this project because according to him it might result in breaking the rights of the people to that water. Lancaster insisted and he even showed two concrete project proposals for this. First, it would legalize the conception in countrysides that were not served by municipal water supplies. Lastly, it would instruct for conducting projects to study whether rainwater harvesting can be used without harming water rights. It interests me a lot because if we’re going to use the water from the sky in some ways, we can get lot of benefits out of it. I consider this as a biological issue because it discusses the precipitation process. This is very important because this is an exact example of learning how to utilize the nature for our advantage. The steps of scientific process: a. The usage of the rainwater purposefully though Colorado water law forbids it? b. Other places like Arizona and New Mexico can do it, why can’t we. c. They show the proposals using diagrams of storage tanks for collecting rainwater that runs off the rooftops home homes and businesses. d. The people who witness the presentation of the project agree that we can get a lot out of it. Scientific Terms: rainwater – water that comes form the sky project proposals – the entire flow or plan of the project and the things that they wanted to do precipitation process – the continuous cycle of water â€Å"Does Diabetes Make the Mind Go to Pieces† written by Mary Brophy Marcus is the second article. It imparted us about the risk of having Alzheimer’s disease and the effects of it are as follows: a. more prone to cognitive decline b. the mind’s ability to evaluate problems and the speed of processing information might suffer because of high rate of insulin or abnormal blood glucose. The experimentation by the researchers from the University of Alberta in Canada verified the people with diabetes and non – diabetic were prone to mental decline according to the American Psychological Association’s January issue of Neuropsychology but the executive function – complex, analytical thinking and speed processing were directed to the diabetic ones. In the journal Neuron published in December found out that if the brain didn’t get enough sugar it produced Alzheimer’s plaques but improving the brain’s blood flow might prevent or cured Alzheimer’s according to Robert Vassar, a professor of cell and molecular biology at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine and he recommended that doing some exercise, minimizing cholesterol intake and taking care of the hypertension could help a lot. On the contrary, according to Nir Barzilai, director of the Institute for Aging Research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York that insulin worked in the nerves that went to the liver and it declared stoppage glucose production and healed diabetes but not in the blood. I found it fascinating because it conveyed awareness on how to take good care of our body. I considered this biological issue because it dealt with the health of an individual. The steps of the scientific process: a: Treating Alzheimer’s disease? b. the insulin is a great help c. they observe people with diabetes and non – diabetic individuals d. proper maintenance of insulin/glucose in our body and the habitual exercise and taking care of the body will prevent diseases. Scientific Terms: glucose – a crystalline sugar insulin – secreted by islets of Langerhans for carbohydrate’s metabolism and glucose regulation in the blood and produced diabetes mellitus when insufficient. Alzheimer’s disease – progressive memory loss, impaired thinking, and changes in mood. The last article entitled â€Å"The Big Green Giveaway† by Tony Milney wanted to share about Mr. Miliband’s willingess to save the planet and our benefit out of it. The objective of putting up the household carbon emissions close to zero by 2050, the government decided to plan an environmental makeover. Establishing ground or air-source heat pumps, solar heating, solid wall insulation, or to join a community heating scheme are the suggested ways to lessen the average ? 300 a year of the wasted energy that needed an action or prevention. Based from the principles of this proposal, all the privileges were given to the homeowners to be able to fulfill the energy saving measures in our home. Not only this, but also the 90,000 solar water-heating systems in Britain. Another offer was the installation wind turbines, wood-pellet stoves, ground-source heat pumps and other eco kit by the Energy Saving Trust. And it even mentioned here the different gadgets used to save energy at home. This article caught my attention because it gave us information and ideas on how to save energy and at the same having advantage of it. I considered this as a biological issue because it discussed the environment that we had and the energy that we consumed. It is important because it helped the people saved energy without damaging the ecosystem. The steps of the scientific process: a. How can we avoid wasted energy? b. the misused of the energy and environment can cause this kind of problem c. they mentioned the different ways on how to save energy and the invented gadgets that could be of great help to the people d. there will be no wasted energy if the people would learn how to save energy wisely. Scientific Terms: energy – dynamic exertion of power carbon – a nonmetallic primarily tetravalent element found native gadgets – an often small automatic or electronic device with a sensible use but often thought of as a novelty. Works Cited Day, Paul. â€Å"Interest in Rainwater Harvesting Grows in Colorado. † CBS4Denver. com (Feb 12, 2009): http://cbs4denver. com/local/Rainwater. Harvesting. illegal. 2. 934360. html Marcus, Mary Brophy. â€Å"Does Diabetes Make the Mind Go to Pieces? † USA TODAY (Jan. 28, 2009): http://www. usatoday. com/news/health/2009-01-28-diabetes-alzheimers_n. htm Milne, Tony â€Å"The Big Green Giveaway. † The Sunday Times (February 15, 2009): http://www. timesonline. co. uk/tol/news/environment/article5732920. ece

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Science Fair---salinity On Plants

WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF EXCESS SALINITY ON PLANTS Salt is a mineral that is found both in solid and liquid form. The liquid is called brine. Salt contains two elements, chlorine and sodium, and is known chemically as sodium chloride. Mineralogists call salt that is found in mines halite. Salt is essential to health. Body cells must have salt in order to live and work. Salt makes up about 0.9 percent of the blood and body cells. It has been estimated that there are more than 14,000 uses for salt. Most people think of salt chiefly as a seasoning for food. But less than five percent of the salt produced in the world each year is used in this way. Meat packers, chemical companies, hide and leather processors, and food processors, such as manufacturers of dairy products use salt and its by-products. Farmers feed salt to livestock and use it as a preservative for hay in storage. Factories, plants, laundries, and other industrial institutions use salt to soften water and condition it. Salt is also used to hold firm the materi als used in building secondary roads. It is also used in heat-treating, smelting, and refining metals. There is a little more than  ¼ pound of salt in each gallon (or 30 grams in each liter) of seawater. It has been estimated that if all the oceans dried up, they would leave about 4,419,300 cubic miles of rock salt. That would be enough to cover all the United States except Alaska and Gawaii with a layer of salt more than 1 ½ miles deep. Salt was first taken from the sea by scooping out shallow holes along the seashore. Waves, breaking along the shore, filled the holes with brine. The sun and wind causes the water in the brine to evaporate, leaving behind the crude salt. This process was known as the solar method. The solar method is still used. But, to speed the process of evaporation, the brine is put in enormous iron pans placed over extremely hot fires. Salt obtained in this manner is very p... Free Essays on Science Fair---salinity On Plants Free Essays on Science Fair-salinity On Plants WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF EXCESS SALINITY ON PLANTS Salt is a mineral that is found both in solid and liquid form. The liquid is called brine. Salt contains two elements, chlorine and sodium, and is known chemically as sodium chloride. Mineralogists call salt that is found in mines halite. Salt is essential to health. Body cells must have salt in order to live and work. Salt makes up about 0.9 percent of the blood and body cells. It has been estimated that there are more than 14,000 uses for salt. Most people think of salt chiefly as a seasoning for food. But less than five percent of the salt produced in the world each year is used in this way. Meat packers, chemical companies, hide and leather processors, and food processors, such as manufacturers of dairy products use salt and its by-products. Farmers feed salt to livestock and use it as a preservative for hay in storage. Factories, plants, laundries, and other industrial institutions use salt to soften water and condition it. Salt is also used to hold firm the materi als used in building secondary roads. It is also used in heat-treating, smelting, and refining metals. There is a little more than  ¼ pound of salt in each gallon (or 30 grams in each liter) of seawater. It has been estimated that if all the oceans dried up, they would leave about 4,419,300 cubic miles of rock salt. That would be enough to cover all the United States except Alaska and Gawaii with a layer of salt more than 1 ½ miles deep. Salt was first taken from the sea by scooping out shallow holes along the seashore. Waves, breaking along the shore, filled the holes with brine. The sun and wind causes the water in the brine to evaporate, leaving behind the crude salt. This process was known as the solar method. The solar method is still used. But, to speed the process of evaporation, the brine is put in enormous iron pans placed over extremely hot fires. Salt obtained in this manner is very p...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Applications Of Holographic Memory Computer Science Essay

Applications Of Holographic Memory Computer Science Essay From the beginning generation of computer, speed of the processors has been increasing tremendously approximately twice the capacity for every 3 years. Today, we can access large amount of data with in few seconds using CPU and data storage. While the computer evolves many applications for large binary files like sound or image data for high capacity storage and data access. But, there is no high capacity form of data storage to handle these large files quickly and efficiently. So, Holographic memory is a hopeful technology in the next generation over conventional storage system because it is a three-dimensional data storage system that can store information at high density inside the crystal or photopolymer which has a capacity to Storage system, the data of entire page can be accessed at a time instead of sequential method and there are very few moving parts so the limitations of the mechanical motion can be minimized. To trace interference patterns it uses a photosensitive materi al of a reference beam and a signal beam of coherent light, while the signal beam is reflected off and an object or which contains information in the variety of light and dark areas. The natural history of the photosensitive material is to record the interference pattern which reproduce a beam of light to the material which matches to the reference beam. The resultant light that is transmitted through the medium will take on the recorded interference pattern and will be collected on a laser detector array that encompasses the entire surface of the holographic medium. Lots of holograms are recorded in the similar space by changing the wavelength of the incident light or angle. The whole page of data can be accessed in this way. Hence holographic storage system has the potential to became the next storage generation over conventional storage 2. Definition of Holographic Memory It is a storage device which records binary information into one of holograms, then produces (as interfering patterns) on photographic or photo chromic media by the way of laser beams, which can be read by low-power laser beams. It is a technique that can store information at high density inside the crystals or photopolymers. The main advantage of a hologram is that which has an image to be dispersed over the recording surface. So, there is no chance of dust or scratches that totally obscures information though they may deduce the contrast. There are many attempts done on many projects to apply this technology but none of them been commercially successful. 3. What is HVD? HVD known as Holographic Versatile Disc which is an optical technology still in the development stage which holds up to 4 terabyte of information. It has an technique called as collinear holography, which contains two lasers, first red laser and another is known as blue-green laser which collimated in a single beam. The second laser i.e. blue-green laser reads the data programmed as on laser interference outer reaches fro m a holographic layer near to the top of the disc where the reference beam uses the red laser and to study the information of servo from a usual CD-style aluminium layer close to the bottom.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Paper on changes on the land Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Paper on changes on the land - Essay Example This is where Cronon starts to heavily contrast Indians and settlers. The Indians made it a point to move from location to location as a form of survival. Cronon says, â€Å"To take advantage of their land’s diversity, Indian villages had to be mobile† (54). Colonists disagreed with this practice because it constituted change, one that they were unfamiliar with and it led to criticism. They wished to mirror their settlements from the old world in New England by remaining in one place and only traveling village-to-village if need-be. Although, the Indians did not suffer from hunger, the settlers disapproved of their lifestyle as it reminded them of the poor people in England: â€Å"To those who compared Massachusetts Indians to English beggars, Morton replied, ‘If our beggars of England should, with so much easy as they, furnish themselves with foode at all seasons, there would not be so many starved in the streets’† (55). They saw Indians as starving people despite the truth. Cronon describes settlers as saying, â€Å"Indian poverty was the result of Indian waste: underused land, underused natural abundance, underused human labor† (56). Since the Indians â€Å"failed† to utilize all of the land, the colonists considered it to be wasteful. This is ironic because the settlers’ practice of hoarding every thing affected the ecological system most negatively because once they took it all, they did not give back; or at least not in the proper way. The settler’s political agenda in remaining bound to the land imposed an imbalance of nature and the land. Instead of taking just a little here and there, moving on, then returning later once the land has been replenished like the Indians, the colonists robbed the land of its resources. They cut down trees, uprooted plant-life and later, introduced agriculture without the means to accurately replenish the soil. It also brought up the question of property lines. T his was a concept that the Indian’s did not enforce because they did not need to when moving as often as they did. Land boundaries reinforced the need for property rights given to individuals in a New England colony. This also affected social wealth and trade. The act of taking a forest and what that meant in relation to the settlers and the land was important because it characterized the difference between ownership and items free-for-the-taking. For example, trees as they are rooted in the forest, untouched by man, are considered lacking ownership. The actual act of ownership came into play when the trees were sawed down and made to form ships and homes. Property as defined as â€Å"†¦to represent boundaries between people; equally, it is to articulate at least one set of conscious ecological boundaries between people and things† (58). English settlers believed in possession rather than a community pool of property. Where the Indians differ is how they attribute d ownership. Cronon says, â€Å"What the Indians owned - or, more precisely, what their villages gave them claim to - was not the land but the things that were on the land during the various seasons of the year† (65). The Indians had to abide by this over what the settlers believed because they frequently moved across the land as an act of continued existence. The colonists, on the other hand, prone to mimic British society, desired to remain in one spot on the land: â€Å"